Revegetation of Quarry slopes

New Era Total recently completed revegetation of quarry slopes in the Southern Tablelands of NSW. Our client is required to comply with the independent Environmental Management Plan that forms part of its consent conditions in regards to revegetating areas disturbed by their activities.

newera Total conducted soil tests across the site, which determined, (amongst other things), a low level of organic matter in the soil. Successful revegetation requires there to be organics in the soil to encourage the migration of important soil microflora and fauna which in turn provide the environment for successful plant growth.

 “Profile Pro ProGanics™ Dual”

newera Total sourced a product mix to suit the site specific conditions that the soil tests recommended. PGG Wrightson Turf supplied a product called “Profile Pro ProGanics™ Dual”, which is designed to improve the soil condition. As well as assisting the establishment of vegetation it also controls erosion and dust.

A unique Native seed mix was created by newera Total, based on plants that are endemic to the area. Together with a grassy cover crop, which included cold climate species, the treated areas will “green up” over the coming months.

Like much of NSW during 2022, this area received substantial rainfall which caused delays in the hydroseeding of the targeted areas. With periods of rain through the start of 2023, the site still presented access difficulties in some areas due to the boggy conditions.

With the smaller, lighter equipment used by newera Total, we were able to access and treat these areas, via the narrow tracks, that were inaccessible to the larger truck based hydroseeding equipment, which would also likely become bogged.  

With the success of this 2023 exercise, newera Total expects to continue to assist our client in the coming years as other areas are completed to the revegetation stage.

Contact newera Total if you are looking for a reliable, experienced land management partner in Central & Southern Tablelands and Blue Mountains regions of NSW.